Free CE hours are available to ASERVIC members for watching and participating in many of ASERVIC webinars. You may only receive 1 CE hour for each program. Please check your state requirements to determine if NBCC-approved CE hours are acceptable for state-specific credentials.
CE Hours for Scheduled Webinars
To receive an NBCC-approved CE hour for attending a live webinar:
- Register for the webinar through the registration link provided
- Attend the live webinar for greater than 45 minutes; the link will be provided via email after you register.
- After completion of the live webinar, you will receive an email with a link to CE evaluation and short assessment
- Complete the webinar evaluation survey.
Link will be active for 30 days after the live event. - Complete the webinar assessment.
Link will be active for 30 days after the live event
July 19, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM (EST)
School Counseling with Spiritual Competence
with Dr. Jennifer Niles, NCC, NCSC, ACS
Click Here for Free Webinar Registration
Questions: Kailey Bradley at [email protected]

School counselors carry the privilege and responsibility of supporting all students’ optimal development. Throughout their careers, school counselors are likely to encounter religious and spiritual discussions with students. School counselors’ responsiveness to students’ spiritual and religious identities is integral to culturally responsive practice.
However, religious and spiritual competence continues to receive less attention in school counseling training, practice, and research as compared to other counseling disciplines, and many school counselors report a desire for improved confidence in addressing students’ spiritual and religious issues. In this webinar, the presenter will highlight research regarding youth spirituality, spirituality and school counseling, and the spiritual competencies for school counselors.
The presenter will offer considerations, case illustrations, and applicable strategies for spiritually competent school counseling practice and training. This presentation is relevant for practicing counselors across disciplines (e.g., school counselors, counselors coordinating services with schools, school-based clinical mental health counselors) and counselor educators and supervisors.

The Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) has been approved by NBCC as a continuing education provider, ACEP No. 1010. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. ASERVIC is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. For more information about ASERVIC’s webinars and CE hours, visit or contact [email protected].