Editor Sought for the Counseling & Values Journal

The Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) seeks applications
for the position of editor of the Counseling & Values journal. Counseling & Values is a national, peer-
reviewed journal with a distribution of approximately 1,500 and a readership comprised of counselor
educators, practitioners, and graduate students. Its mission is to inform the readership of research, recent
innovations, and critical issues related to the integration of spirituality and religion in counseling as well as
ethical issues. The appointment of the editor is for a three-year term beginning July 2025. Note that
financial support is allocated to editors to help facilitate article reviews and decisions.
Newsletter Submissions
Wednesday, Jun. 5, 2024
Call for Submissions – All Members

Call for Submissions – Graduate Students

Official Statements
ASERVIC Statement on Israel and Palestine
Monday, Oct. 16, 2023
We grieve the recent news of violence within the Israel and Palestinian conflict, which weighs heavily on our ASERVIC family due to the horrific costs of warfare on both sides. We know there are deep and complex historical and political dynamics at play, and this makes it difficult to find words to honor the true scope of this conflict. And yet, within ASERVIC we place ultimate value on the sanctity of human life. We collectively grieve the casualties, the displacement of people, and the separation of families.
As a division that represents spiritual and religious concerns, we also want to acknowledge the pain for Jewish and Muslim people throughout the world. We realize that this conflict and the news surrounding it can be painful for those with religious, geographic, and/or cultural ties to the region.
To our Jewish members, Muslim members, Israeli members, and Palestinian members, as well as members with personal connections to Israel and Palestine – we care for you and want to wrap you in love and concern during this time. Please let us know if you would value an opportunity to meet in a virtual space to grieve and support one another. We would love to arrange this space if anyone is interested. To members who teach students or counsel clients with ties to Israel or Palestine, we want to send you strength and intentionality in holding space for however folks are experiencing the ongoing news and reactivation of generational and current trauma.
We hope for a world without these conflicts, and we grieve for the losses and fear of violence that many are experiencing at this time.
Dr. Hannah Bayne
ASERVIC President