Who Joins ASERVIC?
ASERVIC members include followers of a variety of religious faiths and beliefs, as well as those whose spiritualities are not connected with traditional world religions.
For information about ASERVIC membership or involvement, please contact Dr. Jesse Fox, ASERVIC President at [email protected]
Your Passion. Your Profession. Our Purpose.
Benefits of Joining ASERVIC
- National and regional meetings that provide opportunities for interaction and collaboration with people of like interests
- Publications, such as Counseling and Values, a journal published three times a year, Interaction, a quarterly electronic newsletter, and a variety of books. All members receive electronic access to the journal, including the full digital archive. (Print copies are available for a fee. See application for details.)
- Research grants for the study of spiritual, ethical, religious, and other value issues.
- Grants for state projects related to the development of state ASERVIC divisions.
- A community of people from diverse backgrounds and beliefs who share a profound respect for the spiritual and religious dimensions of the person.
- Many locally based state divisions that enable you to get to know others in your area who share similar interests and issues.
- Public policy and legislation representation as it relates to advocating for professional issues facing counselors.
- Support through interactions with professionals who share similar activities and interests.
- Leadership opportunities though committee activities or elected positions on the ASERVIC Executive Board.
Types of Membership
Professional: Individuals who hold a master’s degree or higher in counseling or a closely related field from a college or university accredited by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
Regular: Individuals whose interests and activities are consistent with those of ACA, but who are not qualified for professional membership.
New Professional: A New Professional is someone who has graduated with a masters or a doctorate within the past 12 months. Status is good for one year.
Student: Individuals who are enrolled at least half-time in a college or university program.
Retired: Members who are retired from the counseling profession and have been active ACA members for the past 5 consecutive years.
ASERVIC Membership Only
Regular (Affiliate): Individuals whose interests and activities are consistent with those of ASERVIC, but who are not qualified for professional membership. A Regular (Affiliate) member may not vote, nor may the Regular (Affiliate) member serve in a leadership role nor serve on the ASERVIC Board.
Division Processing Fee: To join ASERVIC without joining ACA, a processing fee of $10 will apply.