ASERVIC Call for Award Nominations
The Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling is excited to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of counseling. In an effort to identify those recipients who are especially deserving, we ask that you take time to consider the accomplishments of your colleagues, mentors, and mentees who are worthy of nomination for one or more ASERVIC awards.
Nominations are due May 1, 2025, and award recipients will be honored at our ASERVIC Conference in June!
ASERVIC Research Award
The purpose for this call for proposals is to support research related to spiritual, ethical, and/or religious values in counseling. ASERVIC will fund up to three proposals for up to $500. All ASERVIC members are able to apply.
Submission Limit: Individuals may submit (or be part of a submission team) for only one proposal. Multiple submissions by any researcher (individually or as part of multiple research teams) will not be accepted.
Evaluation Criteria: A panel of reviewers will evaluate research proposals using the following criteria:
- The researcher is a current member of ASERVIC
- The researcher submitted only one grant proposal this review cycle
- Points will be awarded according to the following formula:
- Proposed topic is within the scope of ASERVIC (30 pts.)
- Relevance of research or practice to ASERVIC as evidenced within the rationale (30 pts.)
- Strength and clarity of the research methodology or description of program (30 pts.)
As a condition of the acceptance of the grant award, the researcher is required to:
- Submit a copy of the proposal in presentation form and present the research results at an ASERVIC conference within two years of receiving the award or provide the research grant committee chair a copy of the manuscript of the research results that has been submitted to a refereed journal for publication consideration
- The researcher will include an acknowledgment of ASERVIC financial support of the project in all reports, presentations, or publications related to the supported project
- If you are interested in applying, please use this google form to submit your materials!

ASERVIC Meritorious Service Award
This award is for an ASERVIC member (of at least 3 years) who has demonstrated significant service to the field of counseling and values in areas related to concerns of a spiritual and/or humanitarian nature, as well as someone who promotes the ideals, values, and programs of ASERVIC. Requirements: The recipient of this award shall be a person within the ASERVIC national organization who meets the following criteria:
A. Membership in ASERVIC for at least 3 years;
B. significant service to the field of counseling and values in areas related to concerns of a spiritual and/or humanitarian nature;
C. significant service which has helped to promote the ideals, values, and programs which ASERVIC sponsors for the counseling profession; and
D. contributions to the development and sponsorship of new and creative programming in spiritual and value interest in counseling.
To nominate yourself or others, please use this google form.

ASERVIC Lifetime Service Award
Lifetime Service Award was incorporated into the bylaws in 2008 and was founded in the name of Dr. Judy Miranti. Recipients must demonstrate significant contributions to and leadership in ASERVIC.
Requirements: The recipient of this award shall be a person within the ASERVIC national organization who meets the following criteria:
A. Membership in ASERVIC for at least 8 years;
B. demonstrated leadership in ASERVIC (please submit specific committee involvement/offices held/general contributions);
C. Significant service which has helped to promote the ideals, values, and programs which ASERVIC sponsors for the counseling profession; and
D. Contributions to the development and sponsorship of ASERVIC initiatives such as Counseling and Values, conference programs, scholarly works, spiritual competencies.
To nominate yourself or others, please fill out this google form.
Questions regarding the nominations are welcome. Awards recipients will be honored at the 2025 Virtual ASERVIC Conference. Individuals are not required to be at the ASERVIC Conference to receive the award.
The application deadline is May 1, 2025.